Why You Should Give a Damn About Sprouts
Learn how sprouting changes the chemical makeup of all the seeds we eat and makes them better for our bodies.

Container Candles with Soy Wax
If you are making candles from one of our Make Your Own Candles, this page is for you! While your kit has everything you need already inside, this page will provide you with bonus tips and tricks, troubleshooting help, extra fun resources, and more ideas for creative ways to personalize your candles.

Coloring Soy Wax with Natural Dyes
Learn how to make colored candles with natural dyes, candlemakers color chips and crayons.

Cooking with Sprouted Grains & Beans
Three of my favorite go-to recipes: Sprouted Hummus, Sprouted Rice & Beans and Sprouted Barley Salad

An All-Natural Body Cream Recipe
A rich cream made with equal parts water & oil, emulsified with beeswax.

A Guide to Flavoring Kombucha & Water Kefir
A selection of flavored syrup recipes & how to use syrups, juices & infusions when flavoring kombucha and water kefir.

Making Tinted Lip Balm
How to transform a basic lip balm recipe into a tinted lip balm, or even a bold lipstick!

A Guide to Essential Oils
A comprehensive chart noting benefits and uses for over 30 popular essential oils

Healthy Pancakes Fermented with Kefir
Want to make healthy pancakes? Ferment your pancake batter with kefir or buttermilk for easy-to-digest pancakes that won't feel like a rock in your gut.

How to Make Kefir Cheese
A soft, tangy cheese that is positively teeming with probiotic life.